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Table 2 Effects of various compounds after feeding C57BL/6 of 8-week-old and46-week-old C57BL/6 male mice on histological analyses of liver samples1

From: Inhibition of nitric oxide in LPS-stimulated macrophages of young and senescent mice by δ-tocotrienol and quercetin


SET I (8-week-old)



Control diet (CD)

Peliosis, nuclear dysplasia and nuclear retreat.


CD + Quercetin

Small & large lymphoplasmacytic clusters.


CD + δ-Tocotrienol

Large lymphoplasmacytic (LP) cluster, Councilman body.


CD + Dexamethasone

Councilman body, nuclear retreat and dysplasia, microvesicular steatosis, large lymphoplasmacytic (LP) cluster, closed sinusoids, cytoplasmic condensation.


SET II (46-week-old)



Control diet (CD)

LP clusters, nuclear Retreat and dysplasia, microvesicular steatosis.


CD + Quercetin

Coucilman body, nuclear dysplasia and nuclear retreat.


CD + δ-Tocotrienol

Small & large Lymphoplasmacytic clusters.


CD + Dexamethasone

Small LP cluster, Councilman body, nuclear Retreat and dysplasia cytoplasmic condensation.

  1. 1Young (4-week-old) and senescent (42-week-old) C57BL/6 male mice were fed control diet or control diet supplemented with quercetin (100 ppm), δ-tocotrienol (100 ppm), or dexamethasone (10 ppm) for 4 weeks. After 4 weeks of feeding, thioglycolate-elicited peritoneal macrophages were prepared [9, 10], then mice were sacrificed, and liver samples were removed, stored in 10% formalin at -70°C until histological analyses were carried out. After the liver tissues were fixed in formalin, they were embedded in the paraffin, and cut in the sagital plane. The sections were stained by hematoxylin and eosin, and examined under light microscopy. A semi-quantitative evaluation of histological analyses were carried out as described previously [11]. Mean scores (MS) were assigned to each sample, scored ranged from 0 (normal appearance) to 40 (very severe impact). The means of the assigned values for each group were reported