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Table 1 Summary of normalized to control (pooled HDL sample from all study subjects) DOR (nDOR) results [Median (IQR)] by group and of parameters that were significantly associated with nDOR and normalized Yearly Rate of Change in nDOR (ΔnDOR) (see Table 2 )

From: Dysfunctional HDL and progression of atherosclerosis in HIV-1-infected and -uninfected adults


Total (N=91)

HIV (N=55)

HIV/PI (N=29)

HIV/non-PI (N=26)

Not HIV (N=36)

P value

Baseline nDOR

1.64 (1.47, 2.02)

1.62 (1.44, 1.96)

1.60 (1.46, 1.95)

1.65 (1.44, 1.96)

1.65 (1.51, 2.07)

0.411; 0.702

Week 96/144 nDOR

1.80 (1.50, 2.00)

1.80 (1.45, 1.92)

1.79 (1.45, 1.83)

1.82 (1.45, 2.29)

1.82 (1.53, 2.14)


Yearly rate of change in nDOR

0.009 (-0.055, 0.108)

0.005 (-0.048, 0.110)

-0.004 (-0.055, 0.101)

0.059 (-0.031, 0.118)

0.009 (-0.059, 0.102)

0.94; 0.58; 0.29; 0.653

P Value for ΔnDOR within group 4







Sex (Male)

84 (92%)

52 (95%)

28 (97%)

24 (92%)

32 (89%)

0.431; 0.555

White non-Hispanic race

69 (76%)

42 (76%)

23 (79%)

19 (73%)

27 (75%)

0.621; 0.405

Body mass index (kg/m2)

24.70 (23.40-27.60)

24.60 (23.20-27.40)

25.50 (23.60-27.60)

24.20 (22.00-26.60)

25.00 (23.75-27.95)

0.551; 0.252

Waist circumference (cm) ≥ 90 6

40 (44%)

24 (44%)

17 (59%)

7 (27%)

16 (44%)

1.01; 0.055

Waist/Hip ratio 6

0.91 (0.86-0.94)

0.92 (0.88-0.95)

0.93 (0.92-0.96)

0.90 (0.86-0.94)

0.89 (0.83-0.92)

0.0061; 0.0032

Baseline CIMT (μm)

707.5 (640.0-767.0)

715.0 (640.0-771.0)

752.0 (631.0-778.5)

701.3 (669.5-760.5)

684.0 (639.5-758.0)

0.481, 0.562

Nadir CD4+ T-cells ≤ 200 (cells/mm3) 7


20 (36%)

11 (39%)

9 (35%)



HDL Cholesterol < 35 (mg/dl)

20 (22%)

13 (24%)

7 (24%)

6 (23%)

7 (19%)

0.641; 0.905

Insulin mU/l 8

6.25 (5-8)

6.50 (5.10-10.70)

7.40 (6.20-14.50)

5.55 (4.55-7.15)

6 (5-7.60)

0.161; 0.0042

LPS (pg/ml)

453.2 (243.5-795.5)

439.4 (207.1-719.5)

453.2 (273.5-635.9)

352.5 (189.2-939.2)

496.6 (246.4-1040)

0.261; 0.522

  1. Notes:
  2. 1 Wilcoxon test for between group differences: HIV versus not HIV.
  3. 2 Kruskal-Wallis test for between group differences: HIV/PI versus HIV/non-PI versus Not HIV.
  4. 3 Wilcoxon p-value for matched group differences within each visit week: pairings assessed were HIV versus not HIV (N=32 matched pairings), HIV/PI versus HIV/non-PI (N=18 matched pairings), HIV/PI versus not HIV (N=26 matched pairings), and HIV/non-PI versus not HIV (N=21 matched pairings).
  5. 4 Wilcoxon test for non-zero yearly rate of change within each group.
  6. 5 Fisher’s Exact test for between group differences: HIV/PI versus HIV/non-PI versus Not HIV.
  7. 6 Due to missing data, the sample sizes are N=90, N=28, N=26, and N=36.
  8. 7 Due to missing data, the sample sizes are N=53, N=27, and N=26.
  9. 8 Due to missing data, the sample sizes are N=84, N=27, N=24, and N=33.