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Table 2 Effect of different diets on parameters of metabolic syndrome at 4 weeks

From: Fiber-free white flour with fructose offers a better model of metabolic syndrome

Parameters of metabolic syndrome

Whole wheat flour diet

Refined wheat flour diet

Fructose and whole wheat flour diet

Fructose and refined wheat flour diet

BP (mmHg)

136 ± 3.78ab

125 ± 2.65ab

154 ± 3.78c

145 ± 4.54ac

FBS (mg/dl)

95 ± 8.02a

100 ± 12.05a

121 ± 10.9ab

156 ± 10.1b

Chol (mg/dl)

69 ± 5.28a

69 ± 5.97a

67 ± 3.98a

60 ± 2.57a

TGL (mg/dl)

38 ± 2.40a

36 ± 3.87a

38 ± 2.17a

41 ± 3.97a

LDL (mg/dl)

13 ± 1.77a

12 ± 1.91a

16 ± 1.69a

12 ± 1.52a

HDL (mg/dl)

54 ± 4.89a

48 ± 4.57a

60 ± 3.2ab

40 ± 3.39ac

CRP (mg/dl)

0.17 ± 0.018a

0.20 ± 0.014a

0.14 ± 0.01a

0.15 ± 0.01a

Insulin (ng/dl)

3.2 ± 0.54a

4.9 ± 0.84a

2.6 ± 0.49a

14.8 ± 1.87b

  1. Blood pressure (BP), Fasting blood sugar (FBS), Total cholesterol (Chol), Triglycerides (TGL), Low density lipoproteins (LDL), High density lipoproteins (HDL), C-reactive protein (CRP) and serum insulin expressed as Means ± SEM.
  2. abc Within rows, between control and treated animals, means with different superscript letters differ significantly (p < 0.05).