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Table 3 Mean differences between LDL-F and other LDL-C estimations in the total cohort, as well as in MetSyn and nonMetSyn individuals.

From: LDL cholesterol estimation in patients with the metabolic syndrome


Mean difference (mg/dL) (bias %)


Total (n = 179)

MetSyn (n = 105)

nonMetSyn (n = 74)

(LDL-F) – (LDL-P)

14 (-16–64)

16 (-16–64)

13 (-6–27)*


10 (-13–33)

11 (-13–33)

9 (-5–18)**

(LDL-F) – (LDL-H)

9 (3–16)

10 (3–16)

8 (6–13)*


6 (3–7)

6 (6–7)

6 (6–7)*

(LDL-F) – (LDL-A)

0.5 (-48–28)

-4 (149-28)

8 (-27-24)*


0.5 (-31–35)

-3 (-31–35)

6 (-26-20)*

(LDL-F) – (LDL-W)

4 (-30–62)

7 (-30–62)

3 (-17–18)*


3 (-25–33)

4 (-25–33)

3 (-16-11)**

(LDL-F) – (LDL-L)

16 (-48–70)

14 (-47–70)

16 (-48–51)


10 (-48-37)

9 (-47-37)

12 (-48-33)

  1. Data are expressed as median (range).
  2. LDL: low-density lipoprotein, MetSyn: metabolic syndrome, LDL-F: LDL-cholesterol by Friedewald, LDL-P: LDL-cholesterol by Planella, LDL-H: LDL-cholesterol by Hattori, LDL-A: LDL-cholesterol by AMORIS, LDL-W: LDL-cholesterol by Wagner, LDL-L: LDL-cholesterol by Lipoprint LDL system. Mann-Whitney U test *p < 0.01 and **p < 0.05 compared to MetSyn individuals.