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Table 2 Growth parameters of control and treated rats

From: Dietary olive oil effect on antioxidant status and fatty acid profile in the erythrocyte of 2,4-D- exposed rats


Initial body weight


Final body weight


Weight gain



216.80 ± 18.10

273.70 ± 27.10

26.16 ± 4.05


220.00 ± 11.11

276.70 ± 15.23

25.62 ± 5.66


222.80 ± 19.03

280.60 ± 19.77

26.21 ± 6.15


222.60 ± 25.29

279.10 ± 34.74

25.32 ± 5.67


219.10 ± 16.17

277.40 ± 21.66

26.69 ± 5.90


221.30 ± 22.84

271.10 ± 22.96

22.81 ± 6.10


225.50 ± 23.10

286.10 ± 25.86

27.08 ± 4.33


221.50 ± 30.64

284.50 ± 29.53

29.82 ± 6.85

  1. Data are expressed as means ± SD (n = 10 rats per group). C: controls group, D: 2, 4-D treated group, D/EVOO: 2, 4-D plus extra virgin olive oil, D/OOHF: .2, 4-D plus hydrophilic fraction, D/OOLF: .2, 4-D plus lipophilic fraction, EVOO: extra virgin olive oil treated group alone, OOHF: group treated with hydrophilic fraction of olive oil alone, OOLF: group treated with lipophilic fraction of olive oil alone. Comparison between groups was made using ANOVA one way analysis with Bonferroni test.