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Table 1 72 patients at study entry before treatment with Alirocumab or Evolocumab

From: Efficacy, safety, Low density lipoprotein cholesterol lowering, and calculated 10-year cardiovascular risk reduction of alirocumab and evolocumab in addition to maximal tolerated cholesterol lowering therapy: a post-commercialization study

Age at entry (years) Mean ± SD, [25th, 50th, 75th percentiles]

64.1 ± 9.6, [58, 65, 72]

BMI (kg/m2) Mean ± SD, [25th, 50th, 75th percentiles]

29.3 ± 5.1, [25.3, 29.0, 32.2]


62 White (86%), 8 Black (11%), 1 Asian (1%), 1 Indian (1%)


45 F (63%), 27 M (38%)


12 Yes (17%), 60 No (83%)


5 Yes (7%), 67 No (93%)

BP lowering drug

45 Yes (63%), 27 No (38%)


47 Yes (65%), 25 No (35%); 25 had HeFH & no CVD (35%)


47 Yes (65%), 25 No (35%); 25 had CVD & no HeFH (35%)

Both HeFH & CVD

22 (31%)

Statin intolerant

42 Yes (58%), 30 No (42%)

Medication use at entry

Statin only, N = 16

 Taking Statin (n = 30)

Statin + ezetimibe, N = 5

Statin + colesevelam, N = 2

Statin + ezetimibe + colesevelam, N = 7

 Not taking statin (n = 42)

Ezetimibe only, N = 4

Colesevelam only, N = 2

Ezetimibe + colesevelam, N = 5

Nothing, N = 31

Follow up weeks on ALI or EVO Mean ± SD, [25th, 50th, 75th percentiles]

26 ± 5, [24, 28]