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Table 3 Number (%) of patients who had at least one measure of LDLC <70 mg/dl on Alirocumab or Evolocumab for 24 weeks

From: Efficacy, safety, Low density lipoprotein cholesterol lowering, and calculated 10-year cardiovascular risk reduction of alirocumab and evolocumab in addition to maximal tolerated cholesterol lowering therapy: a post-commercialization study


HeFH only (n = 25) Entry LDLC 25th, 50th, 75th%tile: [149, 177, 220 mg/dl]

CVD only (n = 25) [104, 131, 148 mg/dl]

HeFH & CVD (n = 22) [122, 169, 214 mg/dl]

Total cohort (n = 72) [123, 149, 193 mg/dl]

Alirocumab 75 mg/2 weeks (n = 25)

2/5 (40%)

12/14 (86%)

5/6 (83%)

19/25 (76%)

Alirocumab 150 mg/2 weeks (n = 15)

2/4 (50%)

3/3 (100%)

6/8 (75%)

11/15 (73%)

Evolocumab 140 mg/2 weeks (n = 32)

8/16 (50%)

7/8 (88%)

3/8 (38%)

18/32 (56%)

All 3 treatment groups (n = 72)

12/25 (48%)

22/25 (88%)

14/22 (64%)

48/72 (67%)