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Table 1 Lipid profiles of the subjects

From: Exercise training improves intramuscular triglyceride lipolysis sensitivity in high-fat diet induced obese mice


CO (n = 8)

HF (n = 8)

HFT (n = 8)

TG (mg/dL)

86.37 ± 2.23

121.49 ± 6.98*

104.09 ± 3.73*,#

TC (mg/dL)

98.78 ± 3.08

193.74 ± 12.93*

158.10 ± 8.80*,#

HDL-c (mg/dL)

42.03 ± 4.16

55.17 ± 4.51

62.44 ± 7.70*

LDL-c (mg/dL)

39.47 ± 4.84

114.27 ± 11.78*

74.84 ± 11.68#

  1. Values are presented the means ± SE. TG triglyceride, TC Total cholesterol, HDL-c high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, LDL-c low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, CO control group, HF high-fat diet group, HFT high-fat diet + training group
  2. *Significant difference from the CO group (p < 0.05)
  3. #Significant difference from the HF group (p < 0.05)