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Fig. 6 | Lipids in Health and Disease

Fig. 6

From: A20 deubiquitinase controls PGC-1α expression in the adipose tissue

Fig. 6

Inhibiting A20 expression. Obese Swiss mice were treated once a day, for 7 days, with a single intraperitoneal injection of a 100 μl solution containing either A20 antisense (ASO) or scrambled (SCR) oligonucleotide. Fragments from subcutaneous (SC) (a-d), visceral (VI) (e-g) or brown (BAT) (h-j) adipose tissue were employed in quantitative real-time PCR experiments. In a, A20 transcript expression was evaluated in a dose-response experiment to determine the efficiency of the method. In b-l, the doses of ASO and SCR employed were always 2 nmol in 100 μl/dose. In b-j, the expressions of A20 (b, e, h); PGC-1α (c, f, i); and PPARγ (d, g, j) were determined and are represented graphically. The blood glucose levels during a glucose tolerance test (k) and the respective area under the glucose curve (l) are represented graphically. In all experiments n = 8; *p < 0.05 vs. SCR

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