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Table 6 Extraction yield, TPC, TFC, and chemical constituents in M.roelyanus leaves extract (MEM)

From: Phytochemical analysis and Evaluation of hepatoprotective effect of Maytenus royleanus leaves extract against anti-tuberculosis drug induced liver injury in mice

Analysis (MEM extract)



Extraction yield (%)



TPC (mg gallic acid equivalent/g dry sample)

76 ± 2.7


TFC (mg rutin equivalent/g dry sample)

63.5 ± 1.84


LC-MS Compound Fingerprinting

Glucosinolates, Anthocyanines, Phenolics, Chlorophylls, Macro and micro constituents


HPLC-DAD (Identification of compounds with reference to standards)

Caffeic acid

Quercetin 3 rhamnoside


  1. TPC Total Phenolic content, TFC Total flavonoid content. Information derived from our previous lab investigations