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Table 2 The changes of Clinical characteristics after 90 and 180 days follow up

From: Fenofibrate decreased microalbuminuria in the type 2 diabetes patients with hypertriglyceridemia


Control (n = 28)

Fenofibrate treatment (n = 28)

SBP (mmHg)

 90 days


-1.00(-3.00, -1.00)

 180 days

-2.50(-8.00, 5.00)

-1.00(-7.00, 4.00)

DBP ( mmHg)

 90 days

-0.80(-3.00, 4.00)

-1.00(-3.00, -1.00)

 180 days

-1.00(-2.00, 5.00)

-1.20(-2.00, 0.25)

BMI, kg/m2

 90 days



 180 days



FPG, mmol/L

 90 days


-0.37(-1.77, 0.32)

 180 days

-0.24(-2.44, 0.39)


HbA1c, %

 90 days


-0.40(-1.35, -0.10)

 180 days

-0.90(-1.40, -0.25)

-0.70(-1.38, -0.10)

TG, mmol/L

 90 days


-1.27(-1.77, -0.24) *

 180 days


-1.91(-1.12, -0.53) #

TC, mmol/L

 90 days


-0.19(-0.77, -0.19)

 180 days

0.22(-0.29, 0.53)

-0.21 (-0.87,0.31)

LDL-C, mmol/L

 90 days


-0.15(-0.50, 0.72)

 180 days

0.25(-0.18, 0.40)


HDL-C, mmol/L

 90 days


0.20(0.10,0.20) *

 180 days


0.16(0.00,0.22) #

Scr, μmol/L

 90 days


7.60(3.80, 12.40) *

 180 days

4.35(-0.95, 9.80)

4.25 (-1.75, 15.60)

UA, μmol/L

 90 days


-92.5(-145, -21) *

 180 days

-16.00(-43.75, -16.00)

-66(-111.00, -34.00) #

UACR, mg/g

 90 days


-41.39(-103.81, -1.44)

 180 days

-8.15(-59.69, 41.94)

-44.05(-179.47, -12.16) #

eGFR ml/min/1.73m2

 90 days


-9.25(-22.10, -8.28) *

 180 days


-7.26(-21.34, -1.37)


 90 days



 180 days

-0.25(-5.15, 2.35)

-1.40(-6.90, 1.81)


 90 days


-0.25(-2.77, 0.45)

 180 days

-1.09(-2.68, -1.09)

-0.94(-3.15, 0.58)


 90 days

6.19(-38.88, 20.64)


 180 days

6.98(-39.58, 34.25)

4.75(-21.91, 30.38)

  1. Data are means ± SD or medians (interquartile range) or n (%)
  2. AECI/ARB Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors/Angiotensin receptor antagonist, SBP systolic blood pressure, DBP diastolic blood pressure, BMI body mass index, FBG fasting blood glucose, TG triglycerides, TC total cholesterol, LDL-C low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, HDL-C high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, Scr serum creatinine, UA uric acid, UACR urinary albumin to creatinine ratio, eGFR estimated glomerular filtration rate, FINS fasting serum insulin, HOMA-IR homeostasis model assessment for insulin resistance, HOMA-β homeostasis model assessment for β-cell function
  3. *P<0.05 vs. the 90 days of control group. #P<0.05 vs. the 180 days of control group