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Table 1 Selected demographic and behavioral characteristics in 26,378 individuals from rural Hua County, China, 2012–2016

From: Gender heterogeneity in dyslipidemia prevalence, trends with age and associated factors in middle age rural Chinese


Participants in this study

(N = 26,378)

n (%)


(N = 12,925)

n (%)


(N = 13,453)

n (%)

P value a


 Mean (SD)

56.52 (6.88)

56.84 (6.87)

56.21 (6.88)

< 0.001

Educational level


8537 (32.36)

1901 (14.71)

6636 (49.33)

< 0.001

 Primary or Middle School

15,252 (57.82)

9139 (70.71)

6113 (45.44)


 High school or above

2589 (9.81)

1885 (14.58)

704 (5.23)



 Physical labor

25,909 (98.22)

12,544 (97.05)

13,365 (99.35)

< 0.001

 Nonphysical work

469 (1.78)

381 (2.95)

88 (0.65)


Body mass index c

  ≤ 24.0 kg/m2

9808 (37.18)

4811 (37.22)

4997 (37.14)


 24.1–27.9 kg/m2

10,869 (41.20)

5394 (41.73)

5475 (40.70)


  ≥ 28.0 kg/m2

5618 (21.30)

2670 (20.66)

2948 (21.91)


 Unknown b

83 (0.31)

50 (0.39)

33 (0.25)


Blood pressure d

 No hypertension

12,019 (45.56)

5582 (43.19)

6437 (47.85)

< 0.001


14,212 (53.88)

7260 (56.17)

6952 (51.68)


 Unknown b

147 (0.56)

83 (0.64)

64 (0.48)


Water source e

 Deep well

17,475 (66.25)

8553 (66.17)

8922 (66.32)


 Shallow well or other

8903 (33.75)

4372 (33.83)

4531 (33.68)


Smoking f


17,269 (65.47)

3968 (30.70)

13,301 (98.87)

< 0.001


6797 (25.77)

6657 (51.50)

140 (1.04)


 Large amount

2265 (8.59)

2255 (17.45)

10 (0.07)


 Unknown b

47 (0.18)

45 (0.35)

2 (0.01)


Alcohol consumption g


20,569 (77.98)

7196 (55.68)

13,373 (99.41)

< 0.001


4351 (16.49)

4277 (33.09)

74 (0.55)


 Large amount

1445 (5.48)

1441 (11.15)

4 (0.03)


 Unknown b

13 (0.05)

11 (0.09)

2 (0.01)


Fried food intake


18,767 (71.15)

8843 (68.42)

9924 (73.77)

< 0.001


7611 (28.85)

4082 (31.58)

3529 (26.23)


Spicy food intake


16,888 (64.02)

8093 (62.62)

8795 (65.38)

< 0.001


9490 (35.98)

4832 (37.38)

4658 (34.62)


Heartburn and regurgitation


19,193 (72.76)

9220 (71.33)

9973 (74.13)

< 0.001


7185 (27.24)

3705 (28.67)

3480 (25.87)


Self-reported history of diabetes


25,834 (97.94)

12,684 (98.14)

13,150 (97.75)



544 (2.06)

241 (1.86)

303 (2.25)


TC level (mg/dL) h

 Mean (SD)

186.49 (35.67)

182.26 (34.90)

190.55 (35.93)

< 0.001

TG level (mg/dL) i

 Mean (SD)

139.46 (111.86)

140.20 (129.57)

138.76 (91.68)


LDL-C level (mg/dL) h

 Mean (SD)

97.67 (25.27)

95.95 (24.84)

99.32 (25.57)

< 0.001

HDL-C level (mg/dL) h

 Mean (SD)

52.73 (14.08)

51.92 (14.26)

53.50 (13.86)

< 0.001

  1. a The Chi-square test and Student’s t test were used to compare demographic characteristics and behavioral factors in male and female subjects included in this study
  2. b The “Unknown” category was not included in the analysis
  3. c BMI was calculated as body weight in kilograms divided by the square of body height in meters (kg/m2). Subjects were categorized into three groups as BMI ≤ 24.0 (normal, coded as 0), 24.0 < BMI < 28.0 (overweight, coded as 1) and BMI ≥28.0 (obesity, coded as 2)
  4. d Blood pressure was measured for each participant. Subjects with systolic blood pressure ≥ 140 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure ≥ 90 mmHg were defined as hypertensive and coded as 1; others were defined as non-hypertensive and coded as 0
  5. e Participants were asked about their drinking water source in the questionnaire. This question had two options: 1) deep well (> 100 m); 2) shallow well or others (≤100 m). Subjects selecting 1) were coded as 0, and subjects selecting 2) were coded as 1
  6. f Participants were asked whether they smoked, if so over what period of time, and quantity of smoking in the questionnaire. Total amounts of cigarette consumption were calculated as time period multiplied by quantity of smoking. The smoking group was categorized by quartiles of accumulative consumption. Subjects who didn’t smoke were coded as 0; subjects with consumption in Q1-Q3 were defined as moderate-smokers and coded as 1; subjects with consumption in Q4 were defined as heavy-smokers and coded as 2
  7. g Participants were asked whether they had drunk alcohol and if so over what period of time and in what quantity in the questionnaire. Total amounts of alcohol consumption were calculated as period of time multiplied by quantity of drinking. The alcohol drinking groups were categorized by quartiles of accumulative consumption. Subjects who didn’t drink were coded as 0; subjects with consumption in Q1-Q3 were defined as moderate drinkers and coded as 1; subjects with consumption in Q4 were defined as heavy drinkers and coded as 2
  8. h To convert cholesterol to mmol/L, multiply values by 0.0259
  9. i To convert triglycerides to mmol/L, multiply values by 0.0113