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Table 3 The association of sleep duration with TG/HDL-C, LAP and TyG, stratified by sex

From: Sex-specific association of sleep duration with subclinical indicators of metabolic diseases among asymptomatic adults


Crude model

Adjusted model 1

Adjusted model 2


Percent change (95%CI)

Percent change (95%CI)

Percent change (95%CI)





  <7 h

-6.574 (-16.054, 3.873)

0.904 (-8.607, 11.516)

0.602 (-8.607, 10.849)

  7-9 h

0 (Reference)

0 (Reference)

0 (Reference)

  ≥9 h

3.458 (-3.536, 10.960)

5.022 (-1.587, 12.187)

4.498 (-1.980, 11.293)



  <7 h

-5.351 (-18.861, 10.407)

2.737 (-8.607, 15.488)

2.634 (-8.515, 15.142)

  7-9 h

0 (Reference)

0 (Reference)

0 (Reference)

  ≥9 h

-7.411 (-16.389, 2.429)

-0.200 (-7.596, 7.788)

-0.698 (-7.965, 7.144)



  <7 h

-0.064 (-0.154, 0.025)

-0.019 (-0.104, 0.066)

-0.022 (-0.104, 0.060)

  7-9 h

0 (Reference)

0 (Reference)

0 (Reference)

  ≥9 h

-0.011 (-0.070, 0.048)

0.002 (-0.053, 0.058)

-0.003 (-0.056, 0.051)





  <7 h

6.823 (-2.664, 17.234)

2.840 (-6.012, 12.412)

1.410 (-6.947, 10.517)

  7-9 h

0 (Reference)

0 (Reference)

0 (Reference)

  ≥9 h

-1.587 (-7.318, 4.603)

-0.299 (-5.824, 5.654)

0 (-5.446, 5.654)



  <7 h

25.232 (10.738, 41.623)

12.975 (2.634, 24.234)

11.405 (1.613, 22.262)

  7-9 h

0 (Reference)

0 (Reference)

0 (Reference)

  ≥9 h

-1.980 (-9.516, 6.077)

2.327 (-3.729, 8.872)

2.634 (-3.343, 8.981)



  <7 h

0.104 (0.024, 0.185)

0.054 (-0.023, 0.130)

0.040 (-0.033, 0.113)

  7-9 h

0 (Reference)

0 (Reference)

0 (Reference)

  ≥9 h

-0.021 (-0.074, 0.031)

-0.018 (-0.067, 0.031)

-0.015 (-0.062, 0.031)

  1. TG/HDL-C: the ratio of triglyceride (TG) to high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C); LAP: lipid accumulation product; TyG: triglyceride glucose
  2. a the estimated value were transformed into: (exp(estimated value)-1) *100 as percent change; b the estimated value was expressed as unit change
  3. Adjusted model 1: adjusted for age, region, area of city, education, leisure PA, sedentary time, ever smoked, drank alcohol, BMI
  4. Adjusted model 1: additionally adjusted for UA, inflammation