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Figure 1 | Lipids in Health and Disease

Figure 1

From: Cholesterol metabolism and serum non-cholesterol sterols: summary of 13 plant stanol ester interventions

Figure 1

Cholesterol absorption and synthesis and serum biomarkers. Three studies [20, 27, 29] combined, n=39. Panel A: Fractional cholesterol absorption (%) and serum cholestanol/cholesterol- ratio (102 × μmol/mmol of cholesterol) in 39 subjects during the control (closed circles) and plant stanol ester (STAEST) (open circles) intervention periods. The results from three studies [20, 27, 29] were combined. Panel B: Fractional cholesterol absorption (%) and serum sitosterol/cholesterol- ratio (102 × μmol/mmol of cholesterol) in 39 subjects during the control (closed circles) and plant stanol ester (STAEST) (open circles) intervention periods. The results from three studies [20, 27, 29] were combined. Panel C: Cholesterol synthesis (mg/kg/d) and serum cholestenol/cholesterol- ratio (102 × μmol/mmol of cholesterol) in 39 subjects during the control (open circles) and plant stanol ester (STAEST) (open circles) intervention periods.

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