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Table 2 Association of CMI, LAP, WTI and BMI with Acute pancreatitis in Cox proportional hazard models

From: Cardiometabolic Index (CMI), Lipid Accumulation Products (LAP), Waist Triglyceride Index (WTI) and the risk of acute pancreatitis: a prospective study in adults of North China

  1. Abbreviations: CMI Cardiometabolic Index, LAP Lipid accumulation product, WTI Waist-triglyceride index, HR Hazard ratio, CI Confidence interval
  2. Model 1,unadjsted;
  3. Model 2, adjusted for age,sex and BMI;
  4. Model 3,further adjusted for variables in model 2 plus smoking, alcohol drinking, physical activity, diabetes, hypertension,cholelithiasis,education and using lipid lowering drugs
  5. CMI = TG(mmol/L)/HDL-C(mmol/L)*WHtR
  6. LAP(females) = TG(mmol/L)*[WC(cm) − 58];LAP(males) = TG(mmol/L)*[WC(cm) − 65]
  7. WTI = WC(cm)*TG(mmol/L)