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Fig. 10 | Lipids in Health and Disease

Fig. 10

From: Discovery of a novel lipid metabolism-related gene signature to predict outcomes and the tumor immune microenvironment in gastric cancer by integrated analysis of single-cell and bulk RNA sequencing

Fig. 10

Investigations of immune cell dispersion in GC patients. A An illustration of the spatial distribution of immune cell infiltration around patients with GC using a heatmap representation of GSVA enrichment in groups with greater and lower risk. B The ratios of 22 immune cell types in normal and GC samples were compared, showing variations in immune cell infiltration. C Correlation matrix exhibiting the percentages of all 22 TIIC categories, revealing the makeup and interactions between these immune cells in the GC microenvironment. D The percentage of TIICs in GC samples vs control samples was compared using a violin plot. E Violin plot comparing TIIC proportions across people with scores with greater and lower scores in GC samples, emphasizing the variations in immune cell composition. F Distinct functional profiles related to immune system regulation were observed between patients with greater and lower risk scores, indicating potential variations in immune response and immune-related functions in these individuals

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