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Figure 1 | Lipids in Health and Disease

Figure 1

From: Postprandial lipid responses to an alpha-linolenic acid-rich oil, olive oil and butter in women: A randomized crossover trial

Figure 1

Postprandial p-lipids in women (n = 19) after meals containing 35 g of fat from ALA-rich oil (--), olive oil (--) and butter fat (-■-). A. Postprandial p-ΔTAG (mean ± SEM) versus time. B. Mean (± SEM) p-NEFA concentration versus time. The p-NEFA concentration following olive oil was lower than that following butter, 1 h after the meals (P < 0.05, ANOVA, Bonferroni). C. Δ-TRL-C is plotted against time. The Δ-TRL-C level 3 h after the butter meal was lower than that after the ALA-rich oil meal (P < 0.05, ANOVA, Bonferroni multiple comparison post hoc test).

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