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Table 3 Insulin resistance index

From: Dose-dependent effects, safety and tolerability of fenugreek in diet-induced metabolic disorders in rats








Fasting blood glucose (mmol/L)

6.27 ± 0.24a

6.19 ± 0.22ac

5.50 ± 0.28ab

5.20 ± 0.15bc

5.60 ± 0.34ab

5.03 ± 0.11b

Fasting blood insulin (pmol/L)

129 ± 37

167 ± 35

56 ± 27

117 ± 29

94 ± 33

54 ± 10


1.00 ± 0.28

1.69 ± 0.49

0.85 ± 0.52

0.78 ± 0.20

0.98 ± 0.36

0.35 ± 0.06

  1. Ctrl: Control group, VL: Very low dose of fenugreek group (0.25%), L: Low dose of fenugreek group (1.25%), M: Middle dose of fenugreek group (2.5%), H: High dose of fenugreek group (5.0%), VH: Very high dose of fenugreek group (12.3%). 1Relative values of (fasting blood glucose × fasting blood insulin) compared to the mean value of the Ctrl group. Values are expressed as means ± SEM for 6 rats. Means without a common superscript letter are significantly different, P < 0.05 (ANOVA).