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Table 3 Correlation between acute myocardial infarction, alcohol drinking, smoking, body mass index, and erythrocyte membrane fatty acid composition

From: Omega-3 index and smoking in patients with acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction taking statins: a case-control study in Korea


Acute MI

Omega-3 index

Omega-3 index

-0.585 (< 0.001)


Alcohol drinking

-0.004 (0.973)

-0.121 (0.333)


0.366 (0.003)

-0.220 (0.076)

Body mass index

-0.272 (0.027)

0.293 (0.017)

Fish intake (servings/week)

-0.242 (0.050)

0.284 (0.021)

Total saturated fatty acids

-0.049 (0.693)

-0.424 (< 0.001)

Total monounsaturated fatty acids

-0.299 (0.015)

-0.213 (0.086)

Total polyunsaturated fatty acids

0.080 (0.503)

0.499 (< 0.001)

Arachidonic acid/eicosapentaenoic acid ratio

0.309 (0.012)

-0.473 (< 0.001)

Total trans fatty acids

0.117 (0.350)

-0.150 (0.231)

  1. By partial correlation coefficient after adjustment for age and gender
  2. Data are expressed as correlation coefficients (p value).