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Table 2 Oxidative stress and inflammatory markers in patients with different LDL levels

From: Imbalance in superoxide dismutase/thioredoxin reductase activities in hypercholesterolemic subjects: relationship with low density lipoprotein oxidation


Groups (LDL-cholesterol levels)






(<100 mg/dL)

(100–160 mg/dL)

(>160 mg/dL)

TBARS (nmol MDA/mL)

4.9+ 0.3b

5.1+ 0.2b

6.3+ 0.3a





Protein carbonyl content

1.2+ 0.1b

1.4+ 0.1a

1.9+ 0.2a

(nmol/mg of protein)




LDLox (mg/L)

0.27+ 0.06b

0.39+ 0.04b

0.73+ 0.06a





LDLoxAB (mg/L)

10.3+ 2.1c

22.4+ 1.5b

32.1+ 1.4a





hs-CRP (mg/L)

0.42+ 0.07b

0.81+ 0.16b

1.55+ 0.26a





  1. Results are expressed as mean + SEM (minimum – maximum). N = 23–50, as shown in Table 1. a,b,c Values within the same line that do not share a common superscript letter are significantly different from each other (p < 0.05). TBARS = thiobarbituric acid reactive substances; MDA = malondialdehyde; LDLox = oxidized LDL; LDLoxAB = LDLox autoantibodies; hs-CRP = highly sensitive C-reactive protein.