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Table 5 Comparisons of LDLC change among PCSK9 inhibitor treatment groups and between statin tolerant and intolerant groups

From: Efficacy, safety, Low density lipoprotein cholesterol lowering, and calculated 10-year cardiovascular risk reduction of alirocumab and evolocumab in addition to maximal tolerated cholesterol lowering therapy: a post-commercialization study


Alirocumab 75 mg (n = 25)

Alirocumab 150 mg (n = 15)

Evolucumab 140 mg (n = 32)

LS means ± SE of change in LDLC (mg/dl)

−59 ± 10

−110 ± 14

−95 ± 9

 Group differences

ALI 75 vs ALI 150, p = .004

ALI 75 vs EVO 140, p = .014

LS means ± SE of % change in LDLC (%)

−42 ± 5%

−63 ± 7%

−56 ± 4%

 Group differences

ALI 75 vs ALI 150, p = .011

ALI 75 vs EVO 140, p = .044

LS means ± SE of change in LDLC (mg/dl)

−109 ± 7

−78 ± 5

Group differences

p = .0008

LS means ± SE of % change in LDLC (%)

−63 ± 5%

−48 ± 4%

Group differences

p = .013

  1. LS means for 3 treatment groups, adjusted for treatment duration, age, BMI, race, gender, statin intolerance (yes-no), HeFH (yes-no), and CVD (yes-no)
  2. LS means for statin tolerant vs intolerant groups, adjusted for PCSK9 groups, treatment duration, age, BMI, race, gender, HeFH (yes-no), CVD (yes-no) and LDLC at entry