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Table 2 Univariate and multivariate analysis by weighted linear regression model and GAM model

From: Is there a non-linear relationship between dietary protein intake and prostate-specific antigen: proof from the national health and nutrition examination survey (2003–2010)


Non-adjusted model

Minimally-adjusted model

Fully-adjusted model

GAM model

PSA (ng/ml) log2 transform

Dietary Protein (gm)

-0.028 (-0.036, -0.021) <0.00001

-0.002 (-0.010, 0.005) 0.52921

0.015 (-0.024, 0.055) 0.44749

0.023 (-0.018, 0.064) 0.28372

Dietary Protein (quartile)







0.002 (-0.101, 0.105) 0.96758

0.098 (-0.003, 0.200) 0.05821

0.238 (-0.392, 0.868) 0.46152

0.383 (-0.244, 1.009) 0.23490


-0.194 (-0.293, -0.094) 0.00015

0.006 (-0.095, 0.106) 0.91227

-0.552 (-1.105, 0.001) 0.05422

-0.315 (-0.914, 0.284) 0.30596


-0.352 (-0.449, -0.255) <0.00001

-0.036 (-0.137, 0.064) 0.47562

-0.078 (-0.577, 0.422) 0.76110

0.114 (-0.434, 0.662) 0.68479

P for trend





  1. Noted:Non-adjusted model adjust for: None
  2. Minimally-adjusted model adjust for: Race/Ethnicity; Poverty income ratio; Age,year; marital status, education level
  3. Fully-adjusted model adjust for: Vitamin D intake (mcg); LDL-cholesterol (mg/dL); Race/Ethnicity; Poverty income ratio; Body mass index,Kg/m2; Alcohol (gm) first day; C-reactive protein (mg/dL); Glycohemoglobin (%); HDL; Hypertension history; Diabetes history; coronary heart disease; stroke; cigarettes per day during past month; Age,year; Marital Status; Average level of physical activity each day; Enlarged prostate; Triglycerides (mg/dL), education level
  4. GAM model:Adjust II model adjust for: Vitamin D intake (mcg) (Smooth); LDL-cholesterol (mg/dL) (Smooth); Race/Ethnicity; Poverty income ratio; Body mass index,Kg/m2(Smooth); Alcohol (gm) first day(Smooth); C-reactive protein (mg/dL) (Smooth); Glycohemoglobin (%)(Smooth); HDL(Smooth); Hypertension history; Diabetes history; coronary heart disease; stroke; cigarettes per day during past month(Smooth); Age,year(Smooth); Marital Status; Average level of physical activity each day; Enlarged prostate; Triglycerides (mg/dL)(Smooth), education level