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Table 3 The effect of fruits on plasma concentration of small dense low density lipoprotein (LDL), LDL particle number, and LDL particle size

From: The beneficial effects of nutraceuticals and natural products on small dense LDL levels, LDL particle number and LDL particle size: a clinical review

Author, Year


Dose per day

Treatment duration


Method of assessment

Main outcomes

Final effects of specific diet ingredients or nutraceuticals on LDL (number, size and concentration)

Galletti et al. 2019 [84]

Armolipid Plus® (AP)

AP; berberine 500 mg, red yeast rice, monacolin K 3 mg and policosanol 10 mg

24 weeks

147 metabolic syndrome patients

Electrophoretic mobility

Significant elevations in sdLDL-C size (+ 1 Å) after taking AP tablet compared with baseline.

LDL particle size ↑

Wang et al. 2015 [76]

Avocado diet (AV)

Lower-fat diet (LF)

Moderate-fat diet (MF)

AV; fresh Hass avocado (136 g/d) or LF; 59% carbohydrate, 16% protein, 24% fat, 7% saturated fat or MF; 49% carbohydrate, 16% protein, 34% fat, 6% saturated fat

5 weeks

45 overweight or obese subjects with baseline LDL-C

NMR spectroscopy

LDL particle number (− 80.1 nmol/L), small dense LDL cholesterol (− 4.1 mg/dL) were significantly lower in AV diet compared with baseline.

LDL particle size was reduced in all diets, LF (− 0.24 nm), MF (− 0.21 nm), and AV (− 0.12 nm) but compared with the LF diet, AV diet led to significant rise in LDL particle size (+ 0.12 nm).

Small dense LDL ↓

LDL particle number ↓

Park et al. 2018 [77]

Avocado (Half-A),

Avocado (Whole-A),


Half-A; 68 g,

Whole-A; 136 g,

Control; 0 g

6 h postprandial

31 overweight or obese subjects


After consumed whole avocado, small dense LDL particles significantly reduced (36.8 nmol/l) in compared with control.

Small dense LDL ↓

Basu et al. 2010 [78]


50 g freeze-dried strawberries or 3 cups fresh strawberries

8 weeks

27 subjects with metabolic syndrome


Strawberry supplementation led to significant reduction in concentration of small LDL particles (14%), this change was significant differences between control and intervention groups.

LDL mean particle size was not significantly varied between two groups.

Small dense LDL ↓

LDL particle size —

Basu et al. 2014 [79]





LD-FDS; 25 g/d strawberries,

LD-C; 4 g fiber + 20 g cane sugar

HD-FDS; 50 g/d strawberries,

HD-C; 8 g fiber + 36 g cane sugar

12 weeks

60 subjects with elevated lipid profiles


HD-FDS diet significantly decreased small LDL particles (− 323 ± 16 nmol/l) compared with HD-C diet. Furthermore, the change was statistically significant compared to the LD-FDS.

Small dense LDL ↓

Zunino et al. 2011 [80]

Strawberry powder

320 g/day frozen strawberries

3 weeks

20 obese subjects


LDL particle size significantly increased (+ 0.43 ± 0.08 nm) in intervention group in comparison to the control group.

LDL particle size ↑

Zunino et al. 2014 [81]

Grape powder

46 g grape powder

3 weeks

24 obese subjects


Grape diets had no effect on small LDL and LDL size.

Small dense LDL —

LDL particle size —

Toth et al. 2016 [82]


150 mg/d of flavonoids, with 16% of neoeriocitrin, 47% of neohesperidin and 37% of naringin

6 months

80 subjects with moderate hypercholesterolemia

Gel electrophoresis

Bergavit supplementation significantly reduced small dense LDL-3, − 4, and 5 particles (− 38, − 53%, − 67%, respectively) than baseline.

Small dense LDL ↓

Gliozzi et al. 2014 [83]


1300 mg/day

120 days

107 subjects with metabolic syndrome and NAFLD

NMR Spectroscopy

Small dense LDL particles significantly reduced (− 374 ± 7 nmol/l) after 120 days intervention than baseline.

Small dense LDL ↓

  1. sdLDL small dense Low-Density Lipoprotein, HDL-C High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol, LDL-C Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, NAFLD Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, NMR Nuclear magnetic resonance, FO Flaxseed oil, AP Armolipid Plus®, AV Avocado diet, LF Lower-fat diet, MF Moderate-fat diet, LD-FDS Low-dose freeze-dried strawberries, LD-C Low-dose control, HD-FDS High-dose freeze-dried strawberries, HD-C High-dose control, BPF Bergamot polyphenolic fraction, nmol/l. nanomoles per litre, nm nanometer, Å Angstrom