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Table 1 Eligibility criteria for participants of an 8-week randomized controlled trial comparing the effects of RBO or SFO plus a standard diet on coronary artery disease

From: Rice bran oil could favorably ameliorate atherogenicity and insulin resistance indices among men with coronary artery disease: post hoc analysis of a randomized controlled trial

Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

Being male

Having any history of serious cardiovascular events (i.e., surgery, thromboembolism, acute coronary syndrome, cardiogenic shock or coronary artery bypass graft) during the 6 months preceding the research

Between 30 and 70 years

Having any comorbidities (i.e., kidney disorders, type 1 diabetes, concurrent viral infections, malignant diseases, or immune system-related disorders)

Diagnosed with CAD

Having specific dietary habits or consumed dietary supplements during the month before the beginning of the study

Having body mass index (BMI) less than 35 kg/m2

Abuse of alcohol or drugs

Any alterations in the therapeutic approaches or medications throughout the trial

Disinclination to participate or keep on the study owing to any reason

  1. RBO Rice bran oil, SFO Sunflower oil