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Table 1 Univariable MR results for the relationship between NAFLD, liver fat, liver volume and cortical structure

From: Bidirectional two-sample mendelian randomization analysis identifies causal associations of MRI-based cortical thickness and surface area relation to NAFLD



Parahippocampal SA (global weighting)

Caudalmiddlefrontal TH (global weighting)

Cuneus TH (global weighting)

Lingual TH (global weighting)

Parstriangularis TH (global weighting)

Caudalmiddlefrontal TH (non-global weighting)

Parstriangularis TH (non-global weighting)

Superiotemporal SA (non-global weighting)

Inverse variance weighted

-4.919 (-9.024,-0.814) P = 0.019

-0.005 (-0.010,-0.0001) P = 0.045

-0.006 (-0.012,-0.001) P = 0.033

-0.005 (-0.010,-0.0003) P = 0.040

-0.006 (-0.011,-0.0002) P = 0.040

-0.008 (-0.016,-0.0002) P = 0.044

-0.009 (-0.016,-0.001) P = 0.025

-21.607 (-42.732,-0.483) P = 0.045

Liver fat


Cuneus SA (global weighting)

Parahippocampal SA (global weighting)

Parsopercularis TH (non-global weighting)

Cuneus TH (non-global weighting)

Isthmuscingulate TH (non-global weighting)

Parsopercularis TH (non-global weighting)

Parstriangularis TH (non-global weighting)

Rostralmiddlefrontal TH (non-global weighting)

Superiorparietal SA (non-global weighting)


12.130 (1.448,2.373E10) P = 0.090

-3.710 (-9.726,2.305) P = 0.266

-0.008 (-0.017,0.0002) P = 0.096

-0.008 (-0.018,0.002) P = 0.182

-0.0005 (-0.015,0.014) P = 0.950

-0.010 (-0.024,0.005) P = 0.239

-0.010 (-0.021,0.001) P = 0.131

-0.006 (-0.016,0.004) P = 0.267

-0.004 (-0.014,0.006) P = 0.418

Weighted median

10.695 (4.892,3.978E08) P = 0.021

-4.875 (-9.569,-0.182) P = 0.042

-0.007 (-0.014,-0.001) P = 0.032

-0.008 (-0.016,-0.001) P = 0.033

-0.010 (-0.021,0.002) P = 0.107

-0.011 (-0.022,0.0002) P = 0.054

-0.010 (-0.018,-0.001) P = 0.025

-0.007 (-0.015,0.001) P = 0.104

-0.006 (-0.014,0.002) P = 0.172

Inverse variance weighted

8.727 (2.191,1.735E07) P = 0.031

-5.643 (-9.658,-1.629) P = 0.006

-0.006 (-0.012,-0.001) P = 0.030

-0.009 (-0.016,-0.002) P = 0.008

-0.013 (-0.023,-0.003) P = 0.011

-0.012 (-0.022,-0.002) P = 0.014

-0.010 (-0.017,-0.002) P = 0.012

-0.007 (-0.014,-0.001) P = 0.034

-0.007 (-0.014,-0.001) P = 0.035

Liver volume


Isthmuscingulate TH (global weighting)

Parahippocampal TH (global weighting)

Parsopercularis TH (global weighting)

Isthmuscingulate TH (non-global weighting)

Lingual TH (non-global weighting)

Parahippocampal SA (non-global weighting)

Parsopercularis TH (non-global weighting)

Precentral TH (non-global weighting)


-0.028 (-0.065,0.009) P = 0.179

0.023 (-0.034,0.081) P = 0.453

-0.017 (-0.036,0.002) P = 0.123

-0.040 (-0.083,0.003) P = 0.130

-0.011 (-0.035,0.013) P = 0.401

-3.809 (-24.251,16.632) P = 0.726

-0.020 (-0.048,0.009) P = 0.229

-0.007 (-0.038,0.024) P = 0.679

Weighted median

-0.027 (-0.05,-0.004) P = 0.021

0.023 (-0.011,0.057) P = 0.187

-0.014 (-0.025,-0.002) P = 0.024

-0.025 (-0.051,0.001) P = 0.061

-0.012 (-0.027,0.004) P = 0.135

-9.246 (-21.528,3.036) P = 0.140

-0.012 (-0.031,0.006) P = 0.202

-0.014 (-0.032,0.005) P = 0.144

Inverse variance weighted

-0.027 (-0.044,-0.01) P = 0.002

0.033 (0.006,0.059) P = 0.017

-0.012 (-0.021,-0.004) P = 0.006

-0.026 (-0.047,-0.005) P = 0.015

-0.013 (-0.024,-0.001) P = 0.030

-9.851 (-18.97,-0.733) P = 0.034

-0.015 (-0.03,-0.001) P = 0.043

-0.016 (-0.03,-0.001) P = 0.037

  1. NAFLD, Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease; MR, mendelian randomization; SA, surface area; TH, thickness