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Fig. 3 | Lipids in Health and Disease

Fig. 3

From: A mediation analysis of the role of total free fatty acids on pertinence of gut microbiota composition and cognitive function in late life depression

Fig. 3

Mediation model for the role of total FFAs in the relationship between Akkermansia and cognitive functions. Note: Mediating models described total FFAs as a Mediator in the Relevance Between Akkermansia and Cognitive Function in LLD. Path A: the effect of Akkermansia on total FFAs; Path B: the effect of total FFAs on cognitive function; Path C: the total effect of Akkermansia on Cognitive Function; Path C’: the direct effect of Akkermansia on Cognitive Function. Abbreviation: MoCA, Montreal Cognitive Assessment; FFAs, free fatty acids; LLD, Late-Life Depression

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