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Table 1 Summary of key clinical, genetic, and functional analysis data for rare biallelic LPL variants in patients with HTG-AP during pregnancy

From: Significant but partial lipoprotein lipase functional loss caused by a novel occurrence of rare LPL biallelic variants

Biallelic variants


Plasma LPL activity (% of controls)

Age at genetic analysis

Disease history

In vitro LPL activity (% of wild-type)


c.596 C > G (p.Ser199Cys)



30 years

Developed severe chylomicronemia and pancreatitis for the first time at 33 weeks of gestation at age 30; had no history of HTG



c.836T > G (p.Leu279Arg)

c.862G > A (p.Ala288Thr)

Compound heterozygote


37 years

Developed severe pancreatitis with a plasma TG level of 162 mmol/L at 29 weeks of gestation during her first pregnancy; her blood glucose, liver, thyroid, and renal functions were found to be normal; had no personal or family history of hyperlipidemia or pancreatitis

p.Leu279Arg: 0

p.Ala288Thr: 32–36

Co-transfection: 20


c.805G > A (p.Glu269Lys)

c.835 C > G (p.Leu279Val)

Compound heterozygote


30 years

Hospitalized for severe abdominal pain, vomiting, and nausea during the 20th week of pregnancy; no prior history of significant medical conditions.

Not available


c.331G > C (p.Val111Leu)

c.809G > A (p.Arg270His)

Compound heterozygote


30 years

HTG-AP at 38+ 2 weeks of gestation; had a 6-year history of HTG but no AP history or other diseases

p.Val111Leu: 32.3

p.Arg270His: 4.1

Co-transfection: 20.7

This study

  1. Abbreviations AP, acute pancreatitis; HTG, hypertriglyceridemia; HTG-AP, hypertriglyceridemia-induced acute pancreatitis; LPL, lipoprotein lipase; TG, triglyceride